we are unique and we are united
At P&G, we aspire to create a company and a world where Equality & Inclusion is achievable for all; where respect and inclusion are the cornerstones of our culture; where equal access and opportunity to learn, grow, succeed and thrive are available to everyone.
We believe in the power of our differences and the impact we can make when we come together united by shared values and purpose. We are committed to doing the work to make this a reality.
We recognise that representation is a continued commitment, and it’s one of many ways we make and measure our progress. We also believe that equality benefits all of us – and it will take all of us, working together, to make a bigger impact.
While we’ve made progress in many areas – we know we can do even more.

Our path forward
Equality & Inclusion starts with all of us. Our strategy is designed so that each P&G employee sees themselves and their work making a meaningful impact in building the business and organisation.
We strive to be a company and create a culture where our employees are able to show up to work as their whole, authentic selves, and feel safe in doing so.

Workplace Equality Begins at Home
Caring for home and family has no gender. Our new global parental leave policy allows fathers to take up to eight weeks of fully paid leave within the first 18 months of their child being born or adopted. More than a policy change, it is a step toward shifting cultural norms by making child caregiving gender unbiased. We believe equality at home will help to advance equality in the workplace.

P&G Employees Volunteer to Be Their Eyes
As P&G steps up to support communities around the world, we want to be as inclusive as possible. This is why we, together with our charity and broadcast partners for the special COVID-19 relief events Global Citizen's "One World: Together At Home" and BET "Saving Our Selves", we joined forces with Be My Eyes - a unique platform which connects sighted volunteers with the blind and low-vision community to help navigate everyday life.
Thanks to passionate P&G colleagues who volunteered to provide personalized live audio description, people with low and no vision were able to follow and enjoy these entertaining programs using the Be My Eyes app. P&G volunteers were on call, ready to describe anything users wanted to know about the event. They read the lineup, helped access streams and content and answered questions about what was going on in the broadcast.
This partnership is one example of how our employees are stepping up as a force for good. We believe there is always a better, more innovative way to create a more inclusive environment for everyone. That's why we’re focused on creating superior experiences with our brands, products and communications that are accessible by everyone.
This experience provided a lot of insight on the daily lives of people who are blind or low-vision. It helped me realize that I still have so much to learn as an ally of people with disabilities.
We build the world’s most trusted and valued brands by serving people in an inclusive way, bringing visibility to the uniqueness of their humanity.
Our diverse mix of employees enables us to serve consumers more completely. The individuality and unique experiences of our employees help us deeply understand and reflect the unique and culturally relevant insights of the diverse range of consumers we serve.

SK-II and Olympic Athletes Challenge Us to End Toxic Competition in Beauty
Competition brings out the best in us. It pushes us further, drives us harder and makes us stronger. We celebrate it and revel in it. But there is one place where it does not bring out our best — beauty. It is the one competition that no one signed up for, but still many feel the pressure of competing beauty standards, rules and limitations. These toxic competitions dictate how we should look, feel and act, which can hold us back in our daily lives. P&G’s SK-II brand partnered with top Olympic athletes including Simone Biles, the world’s most decorated gymnast, Liu Xiang, world-record holder swimmer, Kasumi Ishikawa, table tennis player and two-time Olympic medalist, Ayaka Takahashi and Misaki Matsutomo, badminton duo and Olympic gold medalists, Mahina Maeda, surfer and Hinotori Nippon, member of the Japan volleyball team, to call out toxic competition in beauty and share their personal experiences on their social channels. They sent a powerful message: “We won’t compete anymore. Beauty is #NOCOMPETITION.” Since its launch at the 2020 MAKERS Conference, “Beauty is #NOCOMPETITION” has sparked a global conversation and become a rallying cry for women to call out these toxic competitions and define what beauty means to them.

Women Are the #NewBrave
As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, women have been first responders, whether at home or in the hospital. They've acquired new skills, juggling between work and home with courage and determination. Women, as always, have stepped up and have been a force to be reckoned with during this pandemic.
In response to the outbreak of COVID-19, we have sought to provide support to external organisations that work with vulnerable women in societythrough our business and brands. Pantene worked closely with Women’s Aid to help raise awareness of, and funds to support, those experiencing domestic abuse — something which, tragically, has increased as a result of national lockdowns. A donation of £50,000 from the brand enabled the charity to double its servicing for its live chat function. At a corporate level, we too recognised that domestic abuse had risen, and donated £35,000 to Refuge to enable them to continue their critical services.
We build Equality & Inclusion into key areas of our supply and value ecosystem by expanding opportunity – and partnering on this critical priority area – we can accelerate growth of human beings and business.

¡Estamos Aquí, Estamos Unidos!
P&G aspires to be a force for good and force for growth for Hispanic American employees, consumers and communities striving to provide immediate relief when needed, and to tackle the barriers that get in the way of progress, Equality & Inclusion. This longstanding commitment started over half a century ago and is more important than ever. This year, P&G joined forces with We Are All Human Foundation to kick off the “Hispanic Star Time of Action,” an initiative aimed at bringing together individuals and corporations to benefit Hispanics affected by COVID-19 by donating, volunteering or sharing information for faster recovery. Initiative was kicked off in May and continue through Hispanic Heritage Month. To support the effort, P&G produced and helped launch the film "Estamos Unidos.” Created as a Círculo Creativo initiative, led by its Co-Chairman Luis Miguel Messianu, and executed by alma, the film illustrates the vital roles that Hispanic Americans are playing during COVID-19 and invites everyone to join the Hispanic Star movement. The Hispanic star Alliance brings together over 200+ Hispanic organizations and top leaders, over 175+ companies signatures of the Hispanic Promise, 5000+ ambassadors ready to take action, and 24 (and growing) local activation hubs across the country that work together for bigger, faster impact. Our Estamos Unidos campaign helped strengthen P&G’s partnership with leading non-profit organizations providing relief to Hispanic American essential workers by supporting Hispanics in Philanthropy, United Farm Workers, Justice for Migrant Workers, the Dolores Huerta Foundation and Hispanic Star. Our support helped power 15 activation hubs across 75 cities and mobilize more than 2,000 volunteers. Across these efforts, we have helped raise more than $ 3.5 million dollars, as well as donated more than 5 million products for immediate relief, reaching more than 325,000 families.
We will keep helping and empowering the Hispanic community with our network of partners across the country so that—sooner rather than later—they can be ready to shine, again.

TIME and P&G Reveal 100 Women of the Year
In line with our aspiration to build a world free from gender bias and in honor of International Women's Day, we partnered with TIME and award-winning filmmaker Alma Har'el on the groundbreaking 100 Women of the Year project, spotlighting influential women from 1920 to present day who made tremendous contributions to humanity but were often unrecognized and overshadowed throughout history.
To recognize these women, TIME editors embarked on a historic project and selected a woman to represent each year from 1920 to 2020, and then created a TIME cover to shine a light on these extraordinary women who deserve their place in history.
We commit to diversity, equality, equity and inclusivity, to identify the gaps that create inequity, and to develop the strategies that can change experiences, lives and whole communities. When we expand opportunity, we accelerate growth.

Stepping Up Our Ongoing Efforts to Advance Racial Equality for All
For years, we have used our voice as a leading advertiser to shine a light on inequality, highlight bias and spark dialogue that leads to understanding and action with award-winning short films like “The Talk” and “The Look.” We’ve also brought companies together for collective action under the “Take On Race” coalition.
Recognizing a new moment of urgency in our society, P&G and our brands stepped up our ongoing efforts to advance equality for all people and especially at this moment for Black and Brown Americans. We highlighted the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on Black and Hispanic communities in America with the films “Circumstances” and “Estamos Unidos” and have sponsored fundraising and relief efforts to help those disproportionately affected by the pandemic. We established the P&G Take On Race fund to help fuel organizations that fight for justice, advance economic opportunity, enable greater access to education and health care and make our communities more equitable. The P&G Take On Race fund supports larger, established organizations in North America like the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, YWCA “Stand Against Racism” and the United Negro College Fund. It also includes smaller organizations that mobilize and advocate, such as Courageous Conversation and groups that hold our elected officials more accountable.
We continued our series of thought-provoking films on bias and racism with “The Choice,” which invites the often-silent majority to become allies, advocates and activists to end racial inequality. The film is accompanied by an extensive web-based resource at pg.com/takeonrace that gives people a place to start the journey of transforming equality from a dream to a reality. Together, we can make real lasting change when we actively work to prevent, address and rectify inequality — individually and collectively.

Can’t Cancel Pride Raises Visibility and Funds
Pride Month gives millions of traditionally marginalised people the opportunity to come together every year in an unabashed celebration of who they are. Pride celebrations give voice and visibility to those who have often been overlooked and oppressed, and who, despite great strides, still struggle for equality.
COVID-19 not only led to the disruption of Pride events, which serve as a lifeline to millions of LGBTQ+ people, but also had a damaging effect on fundraising efforts LGBTQ+ organizations rely on to survive. P&G and our brands created “Can’t Cancel Pride: COVID-19 Relief Benefit for the LGBTQ+ Community” as a virtual relief effort to help raise visibility and funds for LGBTQ+ communities most impacted by COVID-19. Four million people tuned in to the event, which featured today’s biggest names in culture and entertainment, including Adam Lambert, Big Freedia, Billy Porter, Katy Perry, Kim Petras, Melissa Etheridge, Sia, Ricky Martin, Kermit the Frog, Matt Bomer and Neil Patrick Harris. More than $4 million was raised to benefit six LGBTQ+ charities: The Trevor Project, GLAAD, Outright International, CenterLink, Sage and the National Black Justice Coalition.